17 June 2011

  1. The last movie I saw was ' "Fair game " with Naomi Watts and Sean Penn. Very good one, you gotta see it. 
  2. I want to go to the sea, swim, run in the sand, drink cocktails.
  3. Surprises are  good and bad. I love good surprises, a visit from friends, swim, run in the sand, drink cocktails.. but i'm at work and i have to stay here till 3 pm. 
  4. The best accessory is a hot guy...i agree with Lin of http://www.linnysvault.com/. Diamonds are also girls' best friend.
  5. My favorite warm drink is i'll agree with Lin again: hands down, a Cinnamon Dulce Late with whipped cream from Starbucks. Best drink evah!
  6. My favorite cold drink is Starbucks' cold coffees and soda.
  7. Currently loving yoga and pilates, reading literature and studying german.


  1. I've never seen that movie, I'll have to check it out on Netflix this weekend.

    When I read my name on #4 I was like 'hey, that's me!!' lol Talk about getting exciting over the little things in life ;)

    Have a great weekend sweets!
