21 April 2010

happy moments: wise words II

and I'm posting it without comments:

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in PINK. I believe that love is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and i believe in miracles..........................
Audrey Hepburn

I adore Audrey Hepburn; her looks, her smile, her playing, her words. 

Another wise word from Aubrey;

Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much...
And go where your heart takes you!!!
- Anon

Wise words from  Chloe; http://seanandchloe.blogspot.com/

i want to say some of the most important lessons that i have learned this
year. i learned that first of all you can't make people change. second of all i learned that people change whether you like it or not. it's kind of
funny how it's like that isn't it? it doesn't quite make sense does it? 

i also learned that life is not fair. you can give all that you have and never
get anything in return yet some people never give and always seem to get
everything.  one thing we need to remember though is that if we never take 
that risk and give, than we would never have room to receive.

life isn't about being popular and having a boyfriend. it's not about nice
cars, cute clothes, and, lots of money. life goes much deeper than that. it
goes far deeper than we will ever be able to understand. it's about taking
risks, learning lessons, getting hurt, hurting others, loving others no
matter what, making mistakes, bouncing back up after a hard fall, and
helping others bounce back after a hard fall. 

it's about unexpected phone calls and special notes to let people know you care.
 it's about making people feel needed because believe it or not, the most important thing that
people need in this life is to feel needed. it's about having a purpose.
it's about knowing that someone's life wouldn't be that same without you in it.  
it's about knowing that someone is thinking about you.
life is a journey, life is a lesson, life is a teacher, life is a test.

i have been hurt many times in my life, but i know that i have hurt many
people as well. i can't go back and change that, but i can learn from what
i have done. i have made many mistakes and watched many friends make
mistakes. i've watched them change, forget who they are, and sadly forget
what life is really about. but with out all the bad times i never would
have  realized what the good was. i wouldn't have learned that i can't
change people. all i can do is affect people by my actions and they can
choose where to go from there.

my example can not only teach others, but most importantly myself. i've
learned to see myself through others eyes. i've realized that i have grown
and i have seen who i want to become. i've realized that i have found
myself by being myslef. i've realized that i shouldn't have been trying to
change things all along, i should have been trying to change the way i see

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