1 January 2013

2012 was for me:

 i agree so much with Jenn
This was the year that I worked with two really incredible coaches who helped me work through so much crap, who pushed me to look closer, dig deeper, and didn’t let me bullshit my way through things. As a result I have a clear vision of how I want to live my life: in service, and how I want to feel: happy. Sitting inside a beautiful house, playing with the cutest dog ever, talking with my coach, I realized that the most important thing is to be happy, and that one thought felt revolutionary: It’s important for me to be happy.
2012 was the year that I did things that made me feel more like me: switched out my nose stud for a nose ring, ate messy tacos like they were going out of style, listened to chimes sing and watched the sky change colors from my windows, lived in cozy pants as much as possible because cozy is the name of my game, read trashy novels, spent so many afternoons at the beach because the sun felt warm on my skin, swooned over kittens, burned nag champa, wore patchouli and the meditation oil I love (although never together, oh my!). It was the year I bought my first hoop and I’m falling in love with everything about it and how hooping makes me feel.
It was the year where I put away my scale because no number can define my worth – not on a scale, not a dollar amount. It’s the year I focused on how I felt in my skin, how my body felt. It was the year that I said Ok I can fit in a size 8, but I feel more at ease in a size 10. It was the year I focused on ease rather than image.
This was the year that I really realized how vital the words I am enough are to me and began to ruthlessly remove anything that caused me to feel less than: people, things, places, clothes, ideas, ideals. It was the year I decided to get those words tattooed on my skin as a constant reminder that I am always enough.
It’s the year I gathered women around me that made me feel stronger, that lit me up, that helped me see and embrace and remember my beauty and power. It’s when I made new connections with women who are helping me grow into the woman I want to be, and it’s grateful I am for each of them.
.. Jenn you are amazing

lovelies.. make a new start in 2013 here is a plan from "yes and yes"


  1. I loved reading this. I hope you have a wonderful 2013 :)

  2. i wish the same for you. May you find everything you miss.
