26 January 2010

happy moments: monday entertainment

Good morning my darlings. Athens is still freezing, but let's keep our hearts warm by smiling even to strangers. I watched "Soul kitchen" last night. The movie is fantastic. The story is  something usual (a guy who struggles for a better life) but the music, the photography and the acting were exciting. I adore Moritz Bleibtreu. I've seen almost all his movies. From "Run Lola" to "Baader Meinhoff Complex" and  now "Soul kitchen".

The cold outside promotes staying home and reading. Here are some books I read recently : Pablo Neruda "Love poems" and  Tennessee Williams "The Glass Menagerie" (Γυάλινος Κόσμος). They are amazing. You'll surprised with how timeless this text is over the years.

Have the best time even and don't let anything knock you down. I don't remember who wrote that when you badly want something/someone act like you have it/him/her; it/he/she shows up in your life soon. 

Keep loving and trying. 

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